Tomb of Abdallah al-Menufi (No.168), 15th century A.D. / 9th century A.H.
The venerated Shaykh Abdallah al-Menufi died in a.d.1348/748 a.h. The present tomb was built either in Sultan Qaitbey’s times in 1470s, or perhaps in the first half of the 15th/9th century.
The very small stone-built mausoleum is covered by a dome with elaborate floral decoration of fleur-de-lys patterns. It is unusual in that the zone-of-transition, internally formed by rows of muqarnas niches, does not show on the exterior. The huge, pointed-arched openings suggest that this was originally an open-sided, canopy-type structure. There are traces of painted decoration inside the dome (possibly early 19th century.)
The tomb is included, together with another domed structure (probably of the 19th-century) within an early 20th-century mausoleum. The shaykh’s tomb is still venerated, so the tomb is well maintained.